Re: RARA-AVIS: Donald Harstad
16 Jul 99 15:45:00 -0400

  Re Timothy Oliver's recent post:

"Michael McGarrity was a cop in New Mexico for many years: Santa Fe County Deputy. Even though it includes our State Capitol, the 'City Different,' the county is quite rural. Santa Fe itself is a pretty small town-less than 60,000-not counting tourists. Parts of it are downright remote."

I admit that I discounted McGarrity as a former "rural" cop because I thought of Santa Fe as comparatively metropolitan (at least by New Mexico standards), and assumed the same was true for the surrounding unicorporated area covered by the SO.

Now that I think about it, though, my sister fed, Nevada Barr, was (and I believe still is) a law enforcement ranger with the National Park Service, and I suppose you'd certainly have to call most of the area under NPS jurisdiction rural. Most of the areas covered in the Anna Pigeon novels are certainly rural (though the latest, set on the Statue of Liberty Island, is an exception). - Jim Doherty

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