RE: RARA-AVIS: Archer vs. Harper

Jerry Buck (
Fri, 18 Jun 1999 16:02:10 -0700

> Jerry Buck: Very interesting and entertaining post about Stirling
> Silliphant, and I agree with you 100% about what he did to Travis McGee.
> Elliot was all wrong for the part, though I like him a lot in
> other things.
> Actually there were three books in Silliphant's series about John
> Locke, and
> they're pretty entertaining: STEEL TIGER, BRONZE BELL, and SILVER STAR (if
> you can take fairly long books in the present tense).
> Bill Crider

        I also remember that all the books had a metal in the title, and that he was writing a Vietnam novel within the other novels that would be complete when all the books were written.

        Regarding the Dain Curse. I did some kind of story on it when it came out, but I don't remember what. I do remember there was an action scene in a tower or such, and the camera followed the character throughout. It was one of the first times that a Stedi-Cam was ever used.

        Jerry Buck

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