Re: RARA-AVIS: I've noticed

M-T (
Mon, 26 Apr 1999 21:35:51 -0800 I haven't noticed a particular hatred for Robert Parker in this group.
He is a well-respected senior hardboiled writer. What I have seen are
comments about the Spenser series and the course it took. On this, I can
only echo the feeling of blumenidiot: I found the Spenser books
increasingly difficult to read (well, not difficult to read but hard to
put up with), so I stopped. Susan was only one of the reasons...

One time I suggested publicly that Parker should have Susan cheat on
Spenser with Hawk in order to shake up the series and, so to speak, give
it a new beginning. Spenser would have to snap out of his
self-complacent, quasi-yuppie state, possibly by giving himself to
alcohol, self-pity, and self-destruction -- thus becoming a true
hardboiled hero. I've always felt that Spenser is an OK guy who fell in
with bad company. Let me add that my wife says that Spenser is "in
complete and total denial". I don't necessarily endorse this, but there
may be a grain of truth in it.


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