: I've just been lurking here for a few weeks. I'm curious
: well, aside from your scholarly work Ed, anyone here
currently writes
: hard-boiled fiction, or if this list is primarily a
readers' forum.
There are a several writers, and a few more people with
manuscripts. We
talk about hardboiled fiction, all aspects, and most of that
comes from
what we like and discover as readers. We're certainly not a
group, and people shouldn't post stories. (Small
announcements of a book
a list-member has written or is publishing are allowed, but
this list is
sponsored by icomm.ca, a non-profit group, and they don't
allow purely
commercial messages. Also, it's rude to post big loud
-- William Denton <URL:http://www.vex.net/~buff/> Toronto, Ontario, Canada Caveat lector. 3:14AM up 3 days, 17:21, 12 users, load averages: 0.51, 0.64, 0.73
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