Re: RARA-AVIS: period reference
14 Jan 99 08:39:00 -0500 --UNS_gsauns2_3035549450
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RE: Duane's question

"The writer describes a Mongolian as having 'a Chicago gangster's
haircut.' Anybody know just what sort of sartorial splendor this might
be describing?"

I'm thinking the author meant Slicked-back and oily. In the movie
*Scarface*, both Paul Muni and George Raft sported this type of
haircut. In the novel *Little Caesar*, W.R. Burnett devotes an entire
chapter (albeit a short one), to the title character's slicking back
and carefully combing his hair. Oily, highly greased hair was
considered a stereotypically Italian trait, and gangsters were
generally regarded as beinbg Italian. - Jim Doherty

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