>(Who was that character who breezed briefly into the
list to accuse the
>rara-avians of being soft?--don't remember his name,
but the relevant
>quote is on Kevin Smith's Thrilling Detective
site--maybe he was right
>after all?)
Peter Lance. He accused us of being soft, evidently because
we dared to not
like his book enough....(I'm not sure...I only came in on the
tail end of
the argument....)... But calling us soft? Man, that's harsh.
We all cried
for weeks....so please, Eddie, don't hurt our feelings.... :
By the way, Eddie, good critique of Pelecanos in CrimeTime. I
don't agree
with everything you said, but you raised some really good
points. I'll have
to think about 'em while I'm working my way through Nick's
Trip. Maybe we
should think about reading some Pelecanos sometime...
Kevin Smith
The Thrilling Detective Web Site
This month: New fiction by Terry White and Henry Mazel,
and Stand-Alone Private Eye Novels
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