RARA-AVIS: La Belle France
jack.saunders (jack.saunders@mci2000.com)
Fri, 24 Jul 1998 08:13:57 -0700 (PDT)
France honoring Jerry Lewis and Sylvester Stallone isn't any
stupider than American academics embracing Derrida or Lacan. Or
Paul LeMan! I stood up and cheered, at Rocky, and Jerry Lewis
used to crack me up. ( I do hope Billy Bob Thornton doesn't
make Sling Blade II-VII.) Anyone who remembered One False Move
went straight out to see Sling Blade, and Phillipe Noiret's
Coup de Torchon was as good an adaptation of Jim Thompson as
one could make.
Jack Saunders
P. O. Box 1392
Tucker, GA 30085
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