: Could someone let me know how often a book is selected for
: and discussion and when the next novel is due?
It's a book a month, and a list goes out every Sunday night.
I try to
make sure books are planned out for the next month or two.
There's a
backlog of suggestions and the choices get picked from
We try to stick to titles in print.
: I'm currently reading one of John Sandford's "Prey" series
: detective Lucas Davenport. I'm enjoying this series so far.
: this type of novel appropriate for rara-avis, or are we
limited to
: the classics, ala Hammett and Chandler, et. al.?
We do spend a lot of time on the classics, but lots of
have favourite contemporary hardboiled writers. I don't know
about those Prey books, but perhaps you could say what's
about them?
Welcome to the list!
-- William Denton | Toronto, Canada | http://www.vex.net/~buff/ | Caveat lector. "Let's keep the party polite."
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