Apologies if this info has already been posted.
I was at work today browsing around on the books-in-print
computer, which I
usually do after we get the weekly updates. Depending on
publisher info,
these updates can project a few months into the future and I
usually quickly
scan the info for updates on some of my favorite authors.
Anyhoo (don't you
hate that?), I noticed a new blip on the radar for James
Ellroy. The listing
was sketchy, and all that was listed was a title and a
tentative release
date: "Crimewave" due 2/99. The listing had the type of
binding as "trade
paper", but this could be a mistake. Is this the next book in
his American
Tabloid trilogy? Another re-issue? Does anyone have anymore
info on this?
take care,
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