: That was true ... five years ago, but today it's extremely
rare to
: find anyone who pays by the minute and does not have
: access ...
You must live in North America. Most Europeans still pay by
minute. I don't know what it's like in Africa, Asia or South
All continents but Africa (and Antarctica) are represented on
list, and we mustn't complicate things for them.
Also, if simple deletion was enough, nobody would mind spam.
who gets lots of spam knows how annoying it is, and what the
costs are.
Anyways, enough of this. I'll count you as not minding
fiction. I've
got another reason to be opposed to it: it'll either inhibit
reactions, or cause flames. When we talk about someone else's
we're free to speak our minds. There are some published
writers on
the list, and people comment on their works, but we're polite
and the
writers have probably had far worse. They're pros.
writers can be quite touchy, and if subscribers are expected
to give
comments on the stories - and there's no reason why they
should, when
agents and editors make a living at that - then if they give
criticism, the whole thing is bound to turn into a flame
fest. To
stop this from happening, some people might just give
friendly pats on
the head instead of real comments. The whole exercise would
-- William Denton | Toronto, Canada | http://www.vex.net/~buff/ | Caveat lector. "Let's keep the party polite."
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