>The recipient - and every stop along the way - still
has to pay for
>receiving the message. This is one reason why many
lists (like this
>one) don't allow binary postings (which always seem to
be of enormous
>sound or movie files). The "delete it if you don't
want it" argument
>doesn't hold, I'm afraid.
That was true ... five years ago, but today it's extremely
rare to find
anyone who pays by the minute and does not have unlimited
access ...
frankly, those who don't have unlimited access have far more
to worry about
than a few extra emails ... email was built for text and for
far slowly
modems than we have now ... it moves fast and quick.
volente Deo,
jackechs@erols.com or ICQ #3717510
I'm a cereal killer on the lam from Special K ... you?
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