| I proofread the copy as well as the galleys, and asked
Charles lots
| of questions, but never asked about Figueras's
assumption. He's so
| deep in art criticism that he can't imagine a total
bluff. And, he's
| so ambitious and sees a chance to become a major art
critic with his
| Debierue article, that he'd deny it if the thought
crossed his
| mind. Something there about the synergy between, or
| co-dependency between, or the incestuous relationship
of, artist and
| critic, or so I'd always assumed.
About _Grimhaven_, she said:
| It wasn't Charles's wish to have that published, and
it's not my
| intention to publish it.... Grimhaven is as bleak as it
sounds, but
| was written with the sole purpose of getting out of his
St. Martin's
| contract. They wanted him to do a series with Hoke and
| wasn't the type of writer who wanted to get snarled up
with all a
| series implies about static situations and characters.
And each Hoke
| novel IS different, Hoke has been changed by experience,
he's got
| different problems and different surrounds.
So that's why it won't be published.
-- William Denton | Toronto, Canada | http://www.vex.net/~buff/ | Caveat lector. "Let's keep the party polite."
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