> Now this takes me back. A super story about a lunatic
who is obsessed with
> Humphrey Bogart and sees mystery in everyday events.
Written by Alan Grant
> who has done excellent work with Batman.
Yes, this really is super stuff. I'm not generally taken with
stuff (not that I don't have a sense of humour: I regularly
fall about
at _Bottom_ and _Alan Partridge_) but I found myself laughing
out loud
at this story.
> The BBC made a one off TV movie of The Bogie
Yes, this is blurbed on the back, but I don't recall ever
being aware of
the BBC transmitting it.
> That's enough for now, but I
> must get my mum to dig up the BBC preview copy of the
movie that they sent
> me for some now-forgotten reason.
Do you think your mum would make me a copy, or possibly even
send it to
me so I can get a copy run off?
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