> I'll join you in the minority camp. Didn't like
Boothe as an
> actor.Could have changed the series name to "Mike
Hammer" and I couldn't
> have told the difference. Missed Marlowe's humor, in
my opinion. As I
> recall, Chandler's character was an ex-football
player, so the size of the
> guy didn't bother me. Just everything else.
I only have a vague picture of these shows in my mind, but it
occurred to
me that Gabriel Byrne as Tom in the movie "Miller's Crossing"
was very
Marlowesque in attitude. Always one wisecrack too many,
constantly getting
beaten up, always in the wrong place at the right time, knows
all the
cops, etc. Of course, he's not a detective, but still.
Christina, who is going back and re-reading all the chandler
novels... I
think that I'm most impressed with The Long Goodbye.
Getting caught is the mother of invention. Robert Byrne
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