>But I agree (I think) about the sentimental streak
that underlies much of
>Hardboiled fiction. I think Robert Parker has even
gone so far as to call
>most private eye novels (and certainly his and
Chandler's) romances (not in
>the Harlequin sense, but in the same sense that the
Arthurian legends, the
>Leatherstocking Tales, Ivanhoe, etc. were). The trick
in the hardboiled
>novel, of course, is to not let the sentimentality,
that allows the hero to
>push on, to override the cynical detachment that
allows him to survive.
I'm new to the list and a newly published author (_Chain of
Random House). I started out trying to be totally hardboiled,
only to
find, to my surprise and delight, how the mix of
sentimentality and
self-analysis and cynicism all enhanced the hardboiled. But I
am also a
physician, so I really shouldn't have been so
Harry Levy, MD
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