> Catching up:
> Thanks, Mr. Reasoner, for reminding me that Grimjack
was John
Ostrander's. I
> didn't get all the way to Sable this X-mas, but
remember it fondly,
> don't recall it being nearly as HB as Grimjack. I'll
dig Sable out next
You're right, Sable wasn't really HB. But I really like
Grell's work.
> Frank Miller has done a lot of good work over the
years. Too good. I
> Mr. Reasoner's impression that Dark Knight had an
undue and rotten
> on comics (what? those weren't your words?)
Close enough. Grim and gritty comics are fine, but there are
times I
really long for the days of Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko and
Curt Swan.
James Reasoner
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