RARA-AVIS: Out-of-Print Titles

P McDermott (pmcd@clark.net)
Thu, 22 Jan 1998 13:37:35 -0500 (EST) Is there a good on-line site for finding out-of-print crime fiction? I've
been intrigued by the discussion of some titles here, and would like to get
my hands on them, but am uncertain where to turn. (I'm really anxious to
read "Green Ice".)

I've found a lot of good stuff in my local (Maryland suburbs of DC) used
book shops, but I've kind of cleaned them out. There are some places like
Mystery Books that have great selections of in-print, but very little

I've tried Amazon.com, but have gotten some outrageous quotes -- $84 for
Leonard's "Hombre" for example.

So -- any good sources?

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