Re: RARA-AVIS: What Is Good Fiction?

michael david sharp (
Thu, 22 Jan 1998 10:15:53 -0500 (EST) Greg seems a little offended. Your comment that Daly might be better
appreciated in a class dedicated to understanding pulp fiction seemed
implicitly critical, as if we in the ivory tower were holding Daly to some
literary standard he never meant to attain. Yes, taste is largely
subjective, but there are better and worse arguments for the quality of a
writer's writing. I don't subscribe to the relativism of "it's all
subjective." It's partially subjective, and if you like something, read
away. But don't tell me (or imply) that I'd be able to see the quality of
Daly if I came down off my high horse. Your argument that Daly has his
merits is fine; your argument about the inadequacy of my class for
understanding Daly is not. Sorry if I came across rudely. Michael

Michael D. Sharp Email:
Department of English Lang. and Lit. Phone: (313) 761-8776
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Fax: (313) 763-3128

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