> >...and I hope this doesn't ruffle your (or too
many others') feathers
> >much, but Pellecanos *hard-boiled*?
> I agree that the Nick Stefanos books are not
hardboiled in the classic
> sense. In my opinion, they have hardboiled
characteristics, notably the
> lone outsider moving within, around, and against a
corrupt system. I enjoy
> the descriptions of the seemier edge of society, and
find the detail
> entertaining (although if he says "I left ten on
five" one more time...).
I absolutely agree; I've only read _A Firing Offence_ and
enjoyed the
scenes in the shop, and out the back (kind of reminded me of
some of the
jobs I've, uh, *enjoyed* in the past), but I think Pellecanos
rather overplay (overwrite?) things.
Maybe he'll do a Moseley; hey, he could call it Always
Always Overtipped ;-)
> (By the way, is *sensitive* a reference to an earlier
Um; I can't really remember --- I'm sure it's been mentioned
before, though whether or not it was 'a thread', I can't
really say. It
certainly seems to have stirred up some response though, eh
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