Re: RARA-AVIS: Ice Storm Refugee Checks In!

James Rogers (
Tue, 13 Jan 1998 23:26:39 -0600 (CST) I don't think comics are necessarily off-topic. There's a
>current one called Jinx by Brian Bendix (I think-I can't check) that's
>might stylish, about a female bounty hunter, a couple of low-grade career
>criminals and a lot of missing loot. And Max Collins and Terry Beatty keep
>promising to bring back Ms. Tree, a dame that could show V.I. and Kinsey a
>few tricks. In fact, I think Ms. Tree is probably the hardest-boiled female
>eye in town, tracing her roots, not to Marlowe and Spade, but doing an end
>run around them to Mike Hammer and straight back to Race Williams.
As I recall, Mike Hammer was originally designed to be a comic
feature called "Mike Danger" and Spillane ( a former writer for the Timely
comics line) turned it into a novel after his initials comic attempts were

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James Michael Rogers
" I carried it too far, that's for sure" - Jeffrey Dahmer

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