RARA-AVIS: stanley ellin and other things...

Sun, 14 Dec 1997 23:04:50 EST -was blown away by St. Ellin's stuff several years ago and in particular by
his 'Dark fantastic' that the Mysterious Press had published...Is there any
good biographical info on him?...
-any new interesting things from Marc Behm of the 'Eye of the Beholder'
fame...and its wonderful film with Isabelle Adjani...
-has anybody got a copy of any of the two following series: Tinker, Taylor,
Soldier, Spy directed for BBC by John Irving and the sequel 'Smiley's People'
directed by Simon Langton also for BBC...both were shown on PBS quite a few
years ago and were probably the best 'noir' TVseries ever by a million
miles...I'm looking for NTSC tape (VHS or 3/4 will do, but if you have a copy
in any other format such Beta or SP, let me know)
-has Diana Ramsey been republished in the States??
Merci for any info
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