RARA-AVIS: Stephen Marlowe

James & Livia Reasoner (liviajames@itexas.net)
Sun, 7 Dec 1997 23:10:59 -0600 Stephen Marlowe and Dan J. Marlowe are (were) definitely two different
writers. Dan J. Marlowe died a year or so ago. Stephen Marlowe is still
alive and writing and was a guest at the recent Bouchercon (at least I
think so; I wasn't there). He wrote a series for Gold Medal about a PI
named Chester Drum, who operated out of Washington, D.C. My books are in
another building at the moment, but to the best of my recollection, the
first one was called _The Second Longest Night_. Others in the series used
the word "Drumbeat" as a catch-phrase, as in _Drumbeat--Marianne_. Stephen
Marlowe also collaborated with Richard S. Prather on one of the highlights
of the Gold Medal era, the Chester Drum/Shell Scott crossover novel _Double
in Trouble_, in which the authors and their characters alternated chapters.
I remember thinking it was a great book when I read it thirty years ago.

I actually like Dan Marlowe's books better than Stephen Marlowe's,
especially _The Name of the Game is Death_ and _One Endless Hour_. But
they're all good.

James Reasoner
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