Re: RARA-AVIS: Goodis
Ablueman (
Sat, 6 Dec 1997 13:01:35 EST
I agree. As much as I do love Thompson (I think "Savage Night"
brilliant), I think Goodis is much more bleak (and I mean that
as a good
thing!). What Goodis books are you still missing? Recently,
I've been able to
track down "Dark Passage", "Of Tender Sin", "Street of the
Lost" and "Behold
this Woman". I know "Blonde on the Street Corner" is scheduled
for re-release,
but I won't get my hopes up. I've noticed that even the Black
Lizard books are
"out of stock indefinetly" from the publishing house. Sounds
like out of print
to me. Re: tosh e-mail, does anyone know which titles Serpents
Tail is
scheduled to release?
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