>Does anyone have any info about this? I live in the
area and haven't
>heard a thing.
Andi Schecter, who did programming for the Seattle B'con and
chaired the
Seattle LCC is going to have a convention in Seattle in the
spring of 2000
which will feature the hardboiled. This is to replace the
wanted to host.
After EYECON95 in Milwaukee, there was to be another EYECON
in Indy, but
that fell apart. Then Andi was going to do EYECON in Seattle,
but that
fell apart. EYECON will now be held in St. Louis in 1999 but
it may have a
writers con slant rather than a fan slant so I would advise
reviewing the
programming before going if you are not a writer, because the
host of the
St. Louis con is Private Eye Writers of America.
P.I.E.S. (Private Investigator Entertainment Service)
Catalogs of new and used private eye fiction
Gary Warren Niebuhr, Owner
P. O. Box 341218
Milwaukee, WI 53224
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