On Fri, 9 May 1997 05:21:16 -0400 e j m duggan <ejmd@compuserve.com> writes: >>Maybe we could start with Chandler's "Red Wind," I only have 1 problem with this : AND DON"T SPAM ME. I've just check the inside jacket of 4 of my Chandler books (3 of them contain short stories) and none of them even mention "Red Wind". I know that it rings a bell though. Could someone please tell me if this was a novel or a short story? I would call my local used bookstore but my friend doesn't open the store until 10 am. Also, if someone just wants to complile a list and send it to me containing all of Chandler's works that even better. Thanks, Paul. hardboiled@juno.com http://www.bayside.net/users/cyberboiled/ "Where hardboiled fiction meets the Internet" - # RARA-AVIS: To unsubscribe, say "unsubscribe rara-avis" # to majordomo@icomm.ca