
RARA-AVIS: Apology

Hello all,
I apologize to the list for the public flame, and I apologize to 
Curtiss Leung for flaming him in public. I'd hit reply, typed and hit 
send before I had thought about the address. It was stupid thing for 
me to do. Anyway, Curtiss, feel free too slap me around if you like,
and if you ever need a book, you have ten dollars free book credit 
with me. 

PS: My obstreperousness stemmed from an earlier debate last week 
on the same subject, with a real goof. I guess I haven't left my Mike 
Hammer mode. I still stand behind what I said about pricing though.
James Mountain, Bookseller
Specializing in Mystery & Detective Fiction

Po Box 693
Qualicum Beach, B.C.
Canada, V9K 1T2
PH:(250) 752-4658 (PST)

TERMS: All books subject to prior sale. Please e-mail to reserve.
All prices in U.S. dollars.
Dealer's trade courtesies extended.
Postage: In North America; $4,00 for first book, $1.00 each extra book. Overseas shipments will be billed at cost.
Any item, for any reason, may be returned within three weeks of receipt.
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