
Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: Shooting Elvis

> From:          "Frank Glenewinkel" <Frank.Glenewinkel@Uni-Koeln.DE>
> To:            rara-avis@icomm.ca
> Date:          Sat, 1 Mar 1997 14:57:41 +0000
> Subject:       RARA-AVIS: Re: Shooting Elvis
> Reply-to:      rara-avis@icomm.ca

> Robert Eversz <dedalus@terminal.cz> wrote:
> > The German translation rights to Shooting Elvis were purchased 
> > last year by Kruger Verlag, which promised publication last month, 
> > but has not communicated with me since the fall. Have you seen it?
> The German translation of "Shooting Elvis" is available as a hardback 
> by Krueger Verlag, the price being about DM 30,00.
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
> Frank Glenewinkel
The German translation of Shooting Elvis got a glowing short notice 
in the most recent issue of the monthly arts mag supplementing 
SPIEGEL (I translate): "With wit, nous, and finely calibrated powers 
of observation, Eversz takes his intelligent female protagonist into 
the very bowels of US society - a society which ultimately puts her 
to the sword as an 'asocial feminist killer'. A breathtaking 'roman 
noir'. Not a thriller. No justice. No happy ending". To augment 
Frank's basic details: Translated into German by Giovanni Bandini (!)
& Ditta Koenig. Publisher: Krueger-Verlag (Frankfurt am Main);  
304pp, 34 DM. Further information, press clippings and reviews
can be found on the following German website: 
I hope those royalties start rolling in, Robert.

While I'm here - can anybody tell me where I can most easily track 
down anything by Eugene Izzi? Books in Print and the bigger general 
Web bookstores don't list him. Seems you cease to exist as a writer 
once you're dead in the US of A. I always thought there was a 
distinction between corporeal body and the Spirit of Literature. But, I 
suppose, the recently defunct are not bankable commodities for future 
product, so why keep the old stuff available? Let's be ... hardboiled 
... about it.

Gordon Collier
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