
Re: RARA-AVIS: Cracker

Glad to see there are so many others who enjoy "Cracker."  But you must,
right now, move heaven and earth to see the episode called "To Be a
Somebody," about a Liverpudlian (sp?) laborer who goes off the deep end. 
It's hard boiled, but so much more; it's got a searing class critique of
the sort the British do so much better than the Americans.  In an American
TV narrative, a killer is never allowed any credibility and his/her
analyses are always self-serving; in "Cracker," and especially in this
episode, the criminal is both guilty AND right.  It's a beautiful thing to
see, and it is on tape. 


John R. Groch <groch+@pitt.edu>              |  "Work!  FINISH!  THEN sleep."
Department of Communication        |     -- The Monster,
Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260  |        "Bride of Frankenstein"

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