
Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: RARA-AVIS Digest V1 #8

On Sat, 15 Feb 1997 JohnRLeech@aol.com wrote:

> "Tinsel Town usually corrupts good writers"
> A classic case being William Faullkner.  Only when I visited his home "Rowan
> Oak" in Oxford, Mississippi, I discovered that he bought it after his
> Hollywood sojourn and went on to write a Pulitzer-Prize winner there, "A

sIf one believes the thesis of _The Thirsty Muse_ (sorry, I don't have the
author's name), it was alcoholism which corrupted Faulkner. It also cost
him his Hollywood jobs as he became too unreliable because of periodic
blackouts and bouts in drying out facilities. 

Rita Rippetoe

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