
RARA-AVIS: CFP: Jim Thompson (4/1; MLA)

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
CFP: Jim Thompson panel (4/1) (MLA 97)

Body of call:

I am putting together a panel on Jim Thompson for the 1997 MLA in
Toronto.  Deadline for receipt of papers or abstracts: April 1st.
10-page papers or detailed 1- or 2-page abstracts on any aspect of
Thompson's work *except film adaptations*.  I am especially interested
in papers that treat the following: Thompson as experimental novelist;
Thompson and workings of pulp publishing industry; generic
considerations of Thompson's work (pulp vs. mainstream fiction,
detective fiction vs. crime fiction); Thompson's novels  as exemplars of
what Bataille called "driven" books in his foreword to *Blue of Noon*
(ie, books written out of the exigencies of survival).

Elliott Vanskike
Dept. of English
Univ. of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52245

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