Miskatonic University Press

Technical Aide-Mémoire

Here I am building up a list of things I sometimes need to do on a computer but not often enough that I remember how to do them. Now all I have to remember is to check here first when I want to, for example, extract audio from a video. And, if the solution isn’t here, to add it after I find it.

Extract audio from a video

ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -q:a 0 -map a audio.mp3

(Source: Stack Overflow.)

Slice an image vertically

With Imagemagick’s crop, to cut an image into a stack of five slices:

convert -crop 100%x20% input.jpg cropped_%d.jpg

Make a favicon

Makes a favicon that contains different sizes.

convert -background transparent "favicon.png" -define icon:auto-resize=32,64,128,256 "favicon.ico"

Convert a PDF to PNG, and give it a white background

I’d generated a PDF of a graphic that I wanted to convert to a PNG, but the background became transparent.

convert -density 300 -background white -alpha remove input.pdf output.png

OpenStreetMap documentation I might look at

Ubuntu: Unable to update “Snap Store”: cannot refresh “snap-store”: snap “snap-store” has running apps (ubuntu-software)

Try this:

snap-store --quit && sudo snap refresh snap-store

Or this:

sudo killall snap-store && sudo snap refresh snap-store
