My interest in Raoul Whitfield's character Jo Gar (written under the pseudonym Ramon Dacolta) dates back to when I read I read a library copy of THE HARD-BOILED DICKS sometime in the early 90s. This summer I (finally) picked up JO GAR'S CASEBOOK published a few years back by Crippen & Landru. I am enjoying a story every now and again, stretching and savouring this tome.
I was pleased with the Whitfield checklist in back, and noticed that there remained some Jo Gar stories uncollected. Colour me baffled as to why they were not included. Anyway, yesterday's mail brought THE BLACK LIZARD BIG BOOK OF BLACK MASK STORIES containing, pleasant surprise, a Jo Gar "novel" that had been serialized in Black Mask and later reprinted in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine.
Looking at the checklist, there seem to be only two Jo Gar stories left to be collected: NAGASAKI BOUND and its sequel NAGASAKI KNIVES (what an awesome title!). Is this correct? Or are there other Jo Gar stories out there yet to be republished? I would love to know, and hope someone on RA knows for sure.
Thanks, Keith Logan
(Lots of good reading on the shelf here, as the package yesterday also contained the new Michael Connelly THE REVERSAL and Darwyn Cooke's second graphic novel adaptation of Stark's Parker series.Yum!)
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