Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: The various incarnations of The Long Goodbye

From: Patrick Kennedy (
Date: 20 Sep 2010

  • Next message: James Michael Rogers: "Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: The various incarnations of The Long Goodbye"

    I wasn't aware of the Stacy Keach incarnation of Marlowe, but I am familiar with his playing of Spillane's Mike Hammer, so I will take your word on how bad it was. Garner as Marlowe was actually surprisingly poor.  Before I saw it I thought he would have been almost ideal, but someone decided to play it all smart ass and jokey, with Garner seemingly rehearsing his Rockford Files character rather than playing Marlowe's world weary idealism, a trait he was well-equipped dramatically to portray. The original book, 'The Little Sister', may not have been first flight Chandler, but it was very entertaining, I thought, and featured some acerbic and probably heartfelt sideswipes at Hollywood.



    From: Kevin Burton Smith <> To: Sent: Mon, 20 September, 2010 17:36:30 Subject: RARA-AVIS: Re: The various incarnations of The Long Goodbye



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    You want to argue about other misguided adaptations, let's talk about James Garner in MARLOWE. Or the cheapo, antiseptic PBS-lite costume dramas with Stacy Keech, where Marlowe had a girlfriend and lived in a world where the mean streets were swept clean by set designers every five minutes so as to not risk dirtying the antiques.

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