RARA-AVIS: Motel Noir

From: TAIT RAYMOND (raymond.tait@ntlworld.com)
Date: 08 Sep 2010

  • Next message: Joy: "Re: RARA-AVIS: Motel Noir"

    And by coincidence I finished reading Death's Sweet Song this morning. Highly recommended - dark and sordid, with one of the most desperate, hopeless and stupid main characters found in 50s noir. Stain of Suspicion is much more upbeat!


    I figured it out. It's Stain of Suspicion by Charles Williams. And since Raymond Tait was kind enough to give the book to me, if you haven't read it, I'd be glad to send it to you. All I need is an address.


    On 9/3/2010 1:41 PM, Ron Clinton wrote:
    > Joy, I would very, very much like to know the title of that book --
    > I recently picked up two other Motel Noir (TM) books and devoured them
    > both...DEATH'S SWEET SONG by Clifton Adams (a tough book to find!),

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