I compared it with Sean Doolittle's Cleanup, actually. The voice, the
predicament, a sorta femme fatale involved---a guy who's had some
problems and is trying to do all the right things in a mundane way and
then, a baby-step at a time, despite all his good intentions, the
situation just unravels.
I liked them both a lot.
PS, Ron: I recently read a book situated in a deteriorating motel in
Florida with a protagonist who's a San Francisco ex-cop passing through
town. It's an old book, circa 1950s; if this seems to fit your
specialty, remind me, and I'll look it up.
On 9/3/2010 12:35 PM, Ron Clinton wrote:
> Getting ready to place an Amazon order for Dave's CARETAKER OF LORNE FIELD
> (since my local Borders decided not to stock it.grumble, grumble), and
> thought I'd throw in a few other books.
> One I'm considering is John Rector's THE COLD KISS. It's had comparisons to
> John Ridley, John Crumley, Jim Thompson (THE GETAWAY), Scott Smith (A SIMPLE
> PLAN), and Ed Gorman. And since it takes place in a rundown motel -- and I
> can never get enough Motel Noir T -- I'm thinking this is a must-have.
> Has anyone here read it? Thoughts?
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