You must have gotten advance copies. They don't come out until
Wednesday. I'm trying to finish up the previous three myself and very
much looking forward to the next three. They've all been pretty good
reading, although I'm getting a little tired of the recurring them of
Parker getting his money stolen, but David hints at the fact that in
the current book I'm reading, The Black Ice Score, Parker doesn't get
his money stolen.
On Aug 30, 2010, at 1:00 PM, tomarmstrongmusic wrote:
> Got the latest batch of Parker reprints, tore through "Deadly Edge"
> and then got to "Slayground". Wow. I don't even...I mean this
> It's the ultimate expression of something. I don't know what
> exactly, but it's the's the epitome of...
> I'm just speechless, with my tongue hanging out. I found that book
> to be incredible. What were other readers reactions to this thing?
> Tom Armstrong
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