RARA-AVIS: Can anyone help?

From: m23to53 (library.john@virgin.net)
Date: 07 Aug 2010

  • Next message: hardcasecrime: "Re: RARA-AVIS: Dorchester moves from mass paperback to ebook/POD"

    Apologies, but this is a non-group plea for help, hopefully from any members who live in California and especially Los Angeles. I desperately need to find if there was an obituary for writer, screenwriter, impresario etc Bertha Slosberg whose death was recorded in West Hills, L.A. 10/10/1998 as Froma Sand. Cannot see anything in the LA Times. Will be most grateful if anyone can help, as information on the lady seems to be non-existent, at least on the web.

    Thanks John

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