Now, compare this to Ed McBain's "The Con Man" which I finished before that. It's from the same 1957 as JDM's book, yet McBain seems as fresh and
contemporary as if it were written yesterday. What gives? Could someone
explain why McBain's novel seems more contemporary than JDM's? Any other
examples of oldies that seem to be written just a few weeks ago?
Evan Hunter was a more advanced thinker than John D. MacDonald. He's one of the crime writers who started to explore the sexual element of crime in his fiction at a time when actual street cops were still trying to avoid it. The 87th Precinct novels are evolutionary in crime fiction. They influenced writers not just in the US but throughout the world. His significance can hardly be over emphasized and as far as I can see is still only partially understood. His crime fiction didn't just influence crime fiction; it influenced the way crime is analyzed.
Patrick King
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