Well, Ben Perkins did tool around in that Mustang with the glasspack exhaust.
Was Key to Tulsa the basis of the movie of the same name? If so, I definitely don't see the Taxi Driver connection, had more to do with slumming Texas rich kids. It was just another post-Tarantino neo-noir, straight to video as far as I know. Of course, that's not necessarily the book's fault. Lots of mediocre movies have been made from very good books.
> To: rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com
> From: tkmorgan@mts.net
> Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2010 14:21:24 -0500
> Subject: RARA-AVIS: Automotive Noir
> I was wondering if any of Rob Kantner's series featuring Detroit PI Ben
> Perkins would fall into this category. Kantner won three Shamus Awards for
> Best PBO. I've only read a couple, which I enjoyed and have one titled Made
> in Detroit to read. It mentions hot cars on the cover.
> While digging through boxes in my garage this morning, I spotted a TPB
> titled The Keys to Tulsa by Brian Fair Berkey. The artwork on the front
> cover looks something like a Corvette, which may or may not have any
> connection to the contents. What did grab me enough to bring the book back
> into my house was the Publishers Weekly blurb: "It's as if the cast of Taxi
> Driver were to invade the set of True Grit: a sort Redneck Film Noir." That
> might resonate with the noir experts on the list. Anyone read it?
> Kent Morgan
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