Re: RARA-AVIS: Novel ID query:

From: John Williams (
Date: 01 Jul 2010

  • Next message: Allan Guthrie: "Re: RARA-AVIS: Novel ID query:"

    Richard Wright - The Outsider

    On 01/07/2010 15:10, Todd Mason wrote:
    > From the librarian-heavy Fiction-L:
    > A patron came in yesterday with this plotline, but no memory of Title
    > or Author. This is how she described it: An old book, read in teens
    > (almost 30 yrs ago) about a man unhappy with his life, (his
    > girlfriend, a menial job?) An opportunity to start a new life as
    > someone else occurs when he is involved in a subway or train crash (I
    > think the setting was a city, like Philadelphia in 50's or 60's) and
    > changes clothes and identity with a deceased accident victim. He is
    > successful in changing his identity until he runs into people who knew
    > him from the past and he ends up killing one person after another to
    > protect his identity. I don't remember the ending- hence the reason
    > I'd like to read this book again. I think it may have been an African
    > American author. I have tried literary resources such as Novellist and
    > also Google to try to figure it out to no avail.
    > --Thanks on behalf of a potentially happified library patron
    > Todd Mason

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