Re: RARA-AVIS: Gil Brewer

From: Patrick Kennedy (
Date: 29 May 2010

  • Next message: David Rachels: "Re: RARA-AVIS: Gil Brewer - new pseudonyms"

    You know, even if the great Gil Brewer never wrote another book... I guess I'd never notice - Lucky me!  I mean, is this stuff even on topic here?  Not unusually, I'm kinda confused.


    On May 29, 2010, at 3:59 PM, Darren wrote:

    > For you Brewer completists out there, his Beeline books as by "Luke Morgann" are pretty scarce, so here's some more chances to track 'em down (should you feel the need). They were reprinted several times under different titles & bylines. Here's what I found so far:
    > LADIES IN HEAT: Tongues of Fire, 1975 as by "Morgana Hill"; Lusty Lorna, 1978 as by "Marc Mixer"; Lorna's Lust For Men, 1981 as by "Dee Laye."
    > GAMECOCK: Ladies of Lust, 1978 as by Alex Sexton"; Bedroom Ecstasy, 1980 as by "Viola Vixen."
    > MORE THAN A HANDFUL: Jazzin' Jeannie, 1977 as by "Anita Sultry."
    > TONGUE TRICKS: Playmate For Pleasure, 1977 as by "Connie Everett."
    > Best,
    > Darren Heil

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