A writer I've been meaning to get to -- which means he's part of a towering juggernaut of books I've meant to read but can't seem to do so -- is Will Christopher Baer, specifically his Phineas Poe series: Kiss Me, Judas; Penny Dreadful; and Hell's Half Acre. Every time I crack open one of the books to a random page I really enjoy what's there -- smart, quickly-paced, funny, dark -- but I'm just so consumed these days with things I HAVE to read, I get so little time for pleasure reading. Should I kick this collection (all 3 books in a MacAdam Cage volume, probably OOP now, given the fate of the publishing house) to the top of my TBR pile? He wrote my favorite story in San Francisco Noir, and I feel like a putz for not having read him yet.
David Corbett
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