I can't speak for any publisher but myself, but I can tell you that we
might print 100-200 ARCs of any given title and I don't think we've ever
printed fewer than 10,000-20,000 copies of the finished book. So for
us, at least, ARCs are never more than 1% of the print run.
Of course, there are other publishers who only print 2,000 or 5,000
copies of a finished book...but even they are unlikely to print more
than 100-200 ARCs (if that many).
So the only way you could possibly get up to 5% is if your ultimate
print run is really awful (and your publisher is nevertheless
mysteriously generous with ARC production).
--- In rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, mhall@... wrote:
> > I haunt a lot of used bookstores -- well, perhaps not a *lot* since
> > fewer and fewer of these operations around -- but would agree the
> > make
> > up a very insignificant amount...in my experience, in fact, much
less than
> > Dave's number... probably a fraction of a percent.
> From the used bookstores in my area they are usually to be found in
> TPB section. At times though, there can be a fair number in this size
> section.
> Best, MEH
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