not good analogies since when you buy a used car the manufacturer could very well get additional revenue if you later buy parts from the manufacturer to fix your car. The restaurant would probably be buying from a food wholesaler, but regardless of where they buy the food from, the food is being bought to sell to an end user. Now if the restaurant staff ate the food, regurgitated it, and resold it after that, your analogy would hold.
As a kid I used to buy a lot of used books, now as I've gotten older I'd just as soon buy books that I know haven't been taken into bathrooms, etc.
--- In, Anthony Dauer <anthony.dauer@...> wrote:
> When you buy a used car, does manufacturer get more money? When you
> buy a salad for that matter from a restaurant does the farmer get paid
> again for this second sale of their product?
> On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 6:16 PM, Michael Jeter
> <michael.damian.jeter@...> wrote:
> > Most of the books I own, I buy used. I have looked for the lowest
> > prices I can. I am wondering, though, in buying cheap used books, am I
> > engaging in anything akin to bootlegging in music, ie, cheating
> > authors out of their fair earnings?
> --
> Anthony Dauer
> Annandale, Virginia, US
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