thanks. i wanna read 'em. but i might review 'em before readin 'em. tho that's been done before. maybe i can review something before it's even written. just gimme the title.
--- On Sat, 2/6/10, davezeltserman <> wrote:
From: davezeltserman <>
Subject: Re: RARA-AVIS: In New York again
Date: Saturday, February 6, 2010, 12:15 PM
Sonny, Killer's out now in the UK, will be out in the US May 1st.
Caretaker isn't crime. It has a mythology of a long line of caretakers who've been weeding a field in a small New England for over 400 years with the fear being that if they don't the world will come to an end. It's a weird mix of sci-fi, horror, fantasy, literary, allegory, all in kind of noirish tone. It's a book that's going to surprise people used to my crime fiction, and it's one of personal favorites, as well as a favorite of most of my early readers.
--- In, sonny <sforstater@...> wrote:
> is 'killer' out in the u.s.?� what's 'the caretaker of lorne field' about?
> --- On Sat, 2/6/10, davezeltserman <Dave.Zeltserman@...> wrote:
> From: davezeltserman <Dave.Zeltserman@...>
> Subject: RARA-AVIS: In New York again
> To:
> Date: Saturday, February 6, 2010, 10:52 AM
> Paul Tremblay and I are going to be in NY Tuesday night at the Mysterious Bookshop from 6:30-8:00, with Paul reading from No Sleep Till Wonderland (terrific book--I read an advanced copy, and I think I commented here already about it) while I'll be reading from Pariah, maybe a bit from Killer. If people can show up, it will be great to meet you.
> Also, I stumbled on this the other day, thought it was kind of funny--a blogger in South Boston commenting/critiquing on Pariah not from reading it but from thoughts about what it might be about after reading a Boston Globe review for it.
> --Dave
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