Vachss takes a courageous stand against pedophiles. How unusual. Every courthouse in America has unsung attorneys doing the same thing. If they had an eyepatch and a faux macho attitude they might be pretty cool. Double cool if they get on Larry King to brag about it.
What did you like about the books? The car with the seat that triggers to crush people? Gee, I don't see why Philip Marlowe didn't have one of those. James Bond could have used one too, but the MI6 budget isn't what it used to be.
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Jeter
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 16:12
Subject: Re: vachss Re: RARA-AVIS: James Ellroy
I think people should note why Vachss writes: It enables him to act as
a lawyer who represents children exclusively. And for my money, I do
not see how one can call Vachss a knockoff of anyone.
On 1/26/10, <> wrote:
> i disagree about vachss. read the first 3 or 4 in the burke series (flood,
> as
> someone mentioned already, is the first). shella, a non series, is also
> worthy.
> most of what I've read of Vachss seems cartoonish and over the top. I
> found Shella to be the exception. an excellent work
> everybody's comments about Ellroy are all on the mark
> John Lau
> Vaya con Carné
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Michael Damian Jeter
New Orleans, LA
Literacy, Music, and Democracy
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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