I liked the Hoke Mosely books (and the Miami Blues movie), thought I've
never even seen Grimhaven or New Hope for the Dead. The Burnt Orange
Conspiracy was an interesting idea, pretty cynical, kind of funny. I
didn't like Woman Chaser at all. Strangely enough, I liked Cockfighter
much more than either of those two, despite finding the entire idea of
cockfighting pretty disgusting.
New Hope For The Dead is the 2nd of the 4 Hoke Moseley novels
John Lau
Vaya con Carné
-----Original Message-----
From: Karin Montin <kmontin@videotron.ca>
To: rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thu, Jan 21, 2010 7:58 pm
Subject: Re: willeford RE: RARA-AVIS: recent reads
I liked the Hoke Mosely books (and the Miami Blues movie), thought I've
never even seen Grimhaven or New Hope for the Dead. The Burnt Orange
Conspiracy was an interesting idea, pretty cynical, kind of funny. I
didn't like Woman Chaser at all. Strangely enough, I liked Cockfighter
much more than either of those two, despite finding the entire idea of
cockfighting pretty disgusting.
On 21/01/2010 10:40 PM, sonny wrote:
> i've read burnt orange. i read a fair amount of 'honey gal' but stopped. not
sayin i won't ever continue. i started whiphand but didn't get very far. again,
not sayin i won't go back nor that it wasn't good. most recently i was reading
'pick up' and will be continuing it.
> one thing that happens is that i give priority to library books over those i
own since i can always read the ones i own, whereas i've waited long times for
books i request to be available from the library and when they come in, i read
> i'm interested in 'cockfighter' and 'shark infested custard', tho again, i
think i once started custard and had to return it to the library before
finishing. other things in life get in the way of my reading too damn much!
> i sure as hell would read grimhaven if i ever have the opportunity.
> thanks, mark.
> --- On Thu, 1/21/10, Mark Sullivan<DJ-Anonyme@webtv.net> wrote:
> From: Mark Sullivan<DJ-Anonyme@webtv.net>
> Subject: RE: RARA-AVIS: recent reads
> To: "rara-avis"<rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com>
> Date: Thursday, January 21, 2010, 6:16 PM
> Sonny,
> What have you read by Willeford? Just the Hoke Moseleys? They are very
different from the rest of his output. Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed
them, and at least the first, Miami Blues, "blew me away," but most of his
others are from the sociopath's POV, not the lawman's (not that Hoke doesn't
have his sociopathic moments, especially if you've read Grimhaven). Have you
read any of those? If not, I highly recommend Burnt Orange Heresy, with
Cockfighter close behind (not really a crime novel, other than cockfighting
being illegal in some fo the places where the fights are held).
> Mark
>> To: rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com
>> From: sforstater@yahoo.com
>> Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 14:40:11 -0800
>> Subject: RARA-AVIS: recent reads
>> the one that stands out for me is 'dia de los muertos' by kent harrington.
this i would highly recommend. i preferred it to 'dark ride' tho that was good
>> i was disappointed with 'eve's men' by thornburg, tho the man can write, no
doubt about it and it's not without interest. but following 'cutter and bone' it
was a let down for me. perhaps every other book by him will feel the same, which
would be ashame. i will still be reading more of him.
>> i enjoyed the 3rd hoke moseley by willeford and will read the fourth i'm
sure, but it didn't blow me away. actually maybe none of the willeford's i've
read so far (not that many granted) have blown me away. he might just not be my
special cup of tea, but i'm being picky about being 'blown away' as opposed to
enjoying a book.
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