uh oh. maybe i should wait for swamp sister then. tho what hb/noir has a sunny outlook? i guess there's humor in some, certainly hb. is any noir funny?
i don't think 'carny kill' made me feel any worse than i usually feel, tho that's depressed mostly anyway i admit.
one fun thing, a coincidence, is that the version of 'treasure island' with the great robert newton as long john silver was on tv just as i was reading 'carny kill' (for those who haven't read it, there are allusions to and quotes from TI in it). i've not read TI nor seen any films of it before, so tho i knew the basic story and famous character names, it was cool to know more and recognize the quotes/scenes in 'carny'.
btw, i had mentioned newton thornburg and you recommended them all. the only one i found so far, the first one to come in at the library that is, was 'eve's men'. now, very early on, i'm not overwhelmed. oh the man can write, as we know, but i'm not into it, the characters or story so far. i'm not near far enough in to give up and certainly 'cutter' is probably and unfair comparison/expectation.
but i'm impatient since i've got so much else to read. not only that i could get out of the library but that i have ended up with over time even tho i rarely buy anymore. i've not read 'red right hand', 'get carter', 'pick up' and more.
i'm tempted to list authors that i've yet to read a single book from to prove how limited my reading just in this genre is! but i'll spare you.
--- On Sat, 12/19/09, jacquesdebierue <jacquesdebierue@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: jacquesdebierue <jacquesdebierue@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: RARA-AVIS: recent reads
To: rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, December 19, 2009, 2:21 AM
--- In rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "Jeff Vorzimmer" <jvorzimmer@...> wrote:
> Both excellent books. Check out Swamp Sister by Alter. It's the other Alter that was reprinted by Black Lizard and then reprinted again after BL was bought out by Random House.
I love Alter but I can't read two of his books close to one another. The stuff has a strong effect on me, and it's not creating a sunny outlook...
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