RARA-AVIS: Re: Goodis' "Of Missing Persons" on film

From: tomarmstrongmusic (tom@tomarmstrongmusic.com)
Date: 08 Dec 2009

  • Next message: grbc74: "RARA-AVIS: Re: Goodis' "Of Missing Persons" on film"

    Has "Of Missing Persons" ever been reprinted? That's one of the few Goodis books I've never read.

    Tom Armstrong

    --- In rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, JIM DOHERTY <jimdohertyjr@...> wrote:
    > Gonzalo,
    > Re your comment below:
    > "On the link below, you can download the film adaptation of David Goodis' Of Missing Persons, an Argentinean production from 1956. The film is in Spanish but subtitled in English. I haven't seen it myself but it certainly looks interesting."
    > Ironically, Goodis, according to some sources, originally wrote OF MISSING PERSONS as a film script after spending some time researching the LAPD's Missing Persons Detail. It probably was intended as one of what were called semi-documentaries, the term they used for police procedural movies before that phrase was coined by Anthony Boucher in 1956.
    > When the film didn't come to fruition, Goodis novelized the script and sold it to Morrow.
    > So this 1956 film, in a way, tells the story in the medium for which it was originally intended.

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