Look: right now, I mean right now, if I want to I can latch on to
bit-torrent (one example among several others) and download the entire
record and performance collection of say AC-DC, everything that they ever
recorded or performed...if I canąt do it, my 16 y.o. can in about les time
that it takes me to write four e-mails...
It is totally free, totally illegal, but it happens every minute all over
the planet...I could do the same with every 007 film ever made. I could then
make DVDąs or CDąs, I could share with friend, compress and send the files
anywhere...free, totally free...
There will be a time when there is a combination of enough
books/publications Śout there digitizedą (current and old) and a cool, well
marketed device, tips the balance and when it is easier to go that way
instead of driving to the bookstore and buying the thing that all youngsters
agree, łweighs a ton˛, i.e. a book!...
Meanwhile large institutions like the U of Michigan, 6 miles away, is
presently digitizing everything, absolutely everything in its library...Iąll
take 1/2 hr for any smart and devoted 20 y.o. to Śbreak iną, retreive and
disseminate, share...free of charge...
It happens already...ask your sons or daughters who are in Uąs anywhere...
It is irreversible...
Iąm not saying I like it, Iąm not saying I approve of it, but it is on the
way, the only thing I donąt know is what is that device that will tip the
balance...at which stage of development it is...the kindle strikes me as the
walkman in the line of reading devices...maybe some of you publishers have a
better idea...?..because they will come to you publishers to strike deals
and put all Śyourą stuff on Śtheir ądevice...just like the entire catalog of
the Beatles was with one device...at one time...and that was impossible to
maintain anyway...
...enough...my 16 y.o. daughter has finished with AC-DC...time to send it to
one of my friends in Bordeaux, he always wanted it...
On 11/5/09 5:05 PM, "Steve Gerlach" <stezzariffic@yahoo.com> wrote:
> No e-reader, whether it be the Nook or Kindle, will corner the book market
> like the iPod did for music.
> Reason? Simple...
> The iPod allowed me to take my current collection of cds/lps/music and store
> them on the iPod at no additional cost except the time to "rip" the cds to the
> computer.
> eBook readers do NOT allow me to take my 2000+ book collection and store them
> on my eBook reader. I have to *purchase* every book I want to store on my
> eBook reader.
> Will I repurchase all 2000 books again just to store them on a Nook? No way.
> That's crazy.
> And there's the difference. Unless someone offers electronic versions of each
> of your current "real" novels, for nothing, then there's no way any eBook
> reader will capture the market like the iPod.
> Today's teenagers may begin to build their collections electronically, but
> anyone with a current collection is not about to change horses mid-stream.
> Cheers,
> Steve
> http://www.stevegerlach.com
> Follow me on Twitter @stezza666
> ________________________________
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